Did you see the news:

SCOTUS overturned the federal ban on bump stocks, which allow semi automatic weapons to shoot even faster in effect making them machine guns. They turn guns into weapons of war, plain and simple. They shouldn’t be allowed ANYWHERE near civilians. Bump stocks are what made the Las Vegas shooting one of the deadliest in US history. It was so bad EVEN TRUMP let ATF ban Bump Stocks.

This decision only solidifies that we cannot count on the Supreme Court to protect us.

That’s why Leaders We Deserve and Serve America are fighting tooth and nail to elect young leaders across the country like Nadarius Clark, whose gun safety bill was signed by Virginia’s Republican governor.

Because the school shooting generation is going to be the one to save us from the threat of gun violence.

But we, and our candidates, don’t take any corporate money to fund these campaigns — we rely 100% on the support of folks like you and NO corporations. If you’re with us, please consider splitting $15 or any amount you can between Leaders We Deserve and Serve America today.

With your help, we can FINALLY get these dangerous weapons off our streets. We can save lives.

Thank you.

- David Hogg

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Serve America PAC
PO Box 2013
Salem, MA 01970
United States


Paid for by Serve America PAC