From The Wilson Center <>
Subject Managing Arctic Ocean Change; Asian Voices on Covid-19; The 5G Conundrum
Date April 17, 2020 4:28 PM
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April 17, 2020

]Wilson Weekly
Implementing Marine Management in the Arctic Ocean
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A warming climate is disrupting marine ecosystems and offering greater accessibility to the Arctic Ocean. A new report lays out a stronger architecture to manage these profound changes and advance the common interests of governments, residents, and other stakeholders in a healthy Arctic Ocean.

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What’s Happening Inside North Korea?
As Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and North Korea report zero Covid-19 cases, Jean Lee observes that “I don’t think it’s a coincidence [they] are at the very bottom of rankings… when it comes to political freedom and the flow of information.”

EVENT | VIDEO & QUOTES [link removed] COVID-19 and the Northern Border

Global Fellow Alan Bersin says the “cooperative border management” between the U.S. and Canada “may well be an example for our countries to employ even beyond the border region.”

PODCAST | NEED TO KNOW [link removed] [[link removed]]
South Korea from the Other Side of the Curve

What’s the view from South Korea in a time of pandemic? Need to Know host Aaron Jones talks with his sister, Hannah Jones, who teaches in the city of Jeonju.

5G: Conflicts, Concerns, Collaboration
“The [5G] issue isn’t really just a trade question,” says New York Times National Security Correspondent David E. Sanger, “it’s a national security question.”

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Past, Present, and Future
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Wilson in the News

The bad guys are not waiting on coronavirus to launch an attack (The Hill)
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Director, President, and CEO Jane Harman writes that “bad actors around the world are not biding their time while the United States confronts what the surgeon general deems another ‘Pearl Harbor moment.’ They are taking advantage of this crisis.”

In Latin America, coronavirus threatens not just public health, but also democracy (Washington Post) [[link removed]]Nicolás Saldías writes that region’s governments “are only starting to formulate their responses,” and he points to Panama “as an early model of aggressive monitoring and testing.”

A stronger IMF will bolster the US recovery (The Hill) [[link removed]]Meg Lundsager observes that the IMF can be a powerful tool to “cushion [the] downturn and help turn the global economy around more quickly, bolstering the U.S. recovery.”

Upcoming Events

GROUND TRUTH BRIEFING | China’s Relations with Eastern and Central Europe Hit a Snag [[link removed]]April 20, 2020 | 10:00 am -11:00 am

WEBCAST | International Financial Cooperation in a Post-Pandemic World [[link removed]]April 20, 2020 | 3:30-4:30 pm

WEBCAST | Global Cooperation for the Environment: Policy, Technology, and Action [[link removed]]April 22, 2020 | 9:00 am-12:00 pm

GROUND TRUTH BRIEFING | The Middle East on Lockdown: The Impact of COVID-19 on Regional Economies [[link removed]]April 23, 2020 | 10:00-11:00 am

GROUND TRUTH BRIEFING | Policy and Action on Plastic Pollution in the Arctic Ocean [[link removed]]April 23, 2020 | 2:00-3:00 pm

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