I've got to tell you—we worked hard to avoid what we are about to see next Thursday: a one-on-one debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. We wanted another choice for president; we simply didn't get it. However, if you know anything about No Labels, know this: we're not going anywhere.
One of these men will be America's next president. For the sake of our country, we must ensure they and their fellow leaders know there is a movement of Americans who aren't rooting for the R or D by a leader's name, but for the country they serve.
As one of our top supporters, we want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at our post-Unity Ticket planning - and the opportunity to support the plan with your contribution here:
We know this election will be divisive. We are planning how this movement can help ensure peace and stability after the election, regardless of the result. Expect more on that in your inbox soon.
Problem Solvers in Congress have taken significant steps forward to pass legislation this Congress—from infrastructure to technology—at great political risk. We want to support members of Congress willing to put their careers on the line for common sense.
We must hold the extremes on the left and right accountable.
The stakes couldn't be higher. America's enemies will be watching this debate for any weakness - not just in the candidates, but in the reactions from citizens.
Here's the one thing they don't want to see: the common-sense middle in America rising to combat extreme divisiveness. Your contribution will send a signal to America's leaders that the biggest priority this election season is bringing this country together. Click here to give $3 or whatever you can right now.
Thank you for standing with us.
Margaret White Co-Executive Director
Follow Us!
No Labels, P.O. Box 25397, Alexandria, VA 22313, United States, (202) 588-1990