You did it! Thank you.
Your advocacy along with the efforts of scholars and everyday Texans convinced the Texas State Board of Education to today vote to give final approval to an African American Studies course for our neighborhood public schools.
This new course, combined with a Mexican American Studies course approved in 2018, will illuminate for young Texans the rich history of our increasingly diverse state. When young people of color see themselves represented in their textbooks, they are more likely to succeed. And that is a good thing for them – and for all Texans.
Texas hasn't always done a great job of teaching students about the many contributions of African Americans, Mexican Americans and other people of color to the history of our state and nation. TFN has been working to change that, and today's action is a clear win for inclusivity and representation in our public education system.
While we celebrate this win, we're looking ahead to the next battles over science and sex education and doubling down on our commitment to put experts over idealogues. Will you make a tax-deductible donation today to support our ongoing organizing campaigns at the SBOE?
Thank you again for helping make today a reality for millions of public school students.

Rev. Erika Forbes
TFN Outreach & Faith Coordinator