Will you help get us over the line ?



A quick update on our fundraising campaign.

We are almost there! We have just £9,000 left to raise. Thank you so much to everyone who donated.

A huge target is now within touching distance, thanks to literally thousands of donations from our amazing members and supporters.

Crucially, the money raised is being spent now directly on getting our message of hope out to undecided voters in target constituencies, via billboards, social media, print ads and literature.

It is helping us make a breakthrough and get four fabulous Green MPs elected.

The contests are all close - these comms are absolutely vital in the run up to polling day.

So, we've just £9,000 left to raise.

Will you help get us over the finish line?

In gratitude,



The Green Party 💚


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ