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Just News

for April 17, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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NCRC Condemns CFPB’s Move To Exempt More Financial Institutions From Reporting About Their Mortgage Lending
By raising the reporting threshold from 25 to 100 loans, the agency’s final rule would exempt an additional 1,700 banks and nonbanks from having to report basic information about their mortgage lending. [Read more]

In Response To Groups’ Demand, OCC Releases Log Of Comptroller Otting’s Calls With Bank Execs On Gutting Of Anti-Redlining Rules
“The OCC issued a summary, not notes, and it was too little and too late,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of NCRC. [Read more]

Small Businesses Need More From Congress And Agencies In COVID-19 Emergency Funding
The $2 trillion federal stimulus plan enacted late last month to help businesses and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is already overwhelmed and falling short. [Read more]


Homeowners Rights And Resources During The COVID Crisis
To help mitigate this decline in employment from turning into a homeownership crisis, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides two protections. [Read more]

Coronavirus And The Social Determinants Of Health: Part 2 Race
Conditions in our environment where we live, work, learn and play affect a range of health outcomes. Now, faced with a global pandemic, we are learning just how detrimental viral diseases are for struggling communities. [Read more]

What You Need To Know About Student Loans And The Coronavirus Pandemic
Some key things you need to know about how the CARES Act may affect you. [Read more]

Field Notes 

Italy Enters Phase 2 Of The COVID-19 Response – What Does This Mean For Social Determinants Of Health?
Multiple measures are included in the enormous “Cure Italy” bill. But what then? [Read more]

My Parents Have Always Been Essential Workers
We, as a country, are awakening to the reality that those we deem essential are too often not provided essential items like a living wage, sick days, health insurance, child care or some type of economic-financial bridge during crises like these. [Read more]

Building Healthier Communities Through Intergenerational Connections
Intergenerational engagement has been shown to confront ageism, break down the barriers of age-segregation and forge long-lasting and life-changing intergenerational bonds. [Read more]

Moment Of Trust: How Healthcare Professionals And Systems Can Advance Health Equity
Practical steps we can each take as individuals to advance equity in our behaviors and thinking. [Read more]


What Is Mortgage Forbearance And How Are Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Making It Happen
Help for homeowners is a major part of the CARES Act, the law recently passed to support our economy as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. [Read more]


NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

NCRC In The News

Coronavirus Could 'Decimate' Latino Wealth, Which Was Hammered By The Great Recession
More than half of Latino families live one crisis away from financial disaster and wouldn't be able to cover basic expenses for three months in the event of an economic burden, according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [NBCNews]

Black-Owned Businesses Could Face Hurdles in Federal Aid Program
In 2018, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition sent “mystery shoppers” to 32 different banks in Los Angeles. It found that potential borrowers with identical financial profiles were treated differently by bankers based on their race. [The New York Times]

JPMorgan Chase Announces Brian Lamb as Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion 
Some of Lamb’s notable work includes a former partnership with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which was a $30 billion community commitment that focused on access to capital for small businesses, first-time homeownership and educational opportunities for underserved communities and people of color. [Black Enterprise]

On Our Radar

Debt Collectors Are Going After Millions Of Stimulus Checks — 5 Ways To Stop Them
"Millions of Americans have court judgments against them," says Lauren Saunders, an associate director at the National Consumer Law Center.
[Market Watch]

Small-Business Funding Dispute Challenges Community Lenders
Obtaining a slice of the roughly $350 billion set aside under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program is proving to be a challenge for community lenders. [Wall Street Journal]

Meet The COVID-19 Frontline Heroes
In their own words, these workers are sharing the risks and challenges they face, the concerns they have and how they are coping. They also highlight what policymakers, employers and each of us can do to better protect and support them. [Brookings]

America’s Other Epidemic
A new approach to fighting the opioid crisis as it quietly rages on. [The Atlantic]
#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
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