Uncontacted Tribes Week is coming to a close, but there is still time to donate and act. Your support is crucial to our progress and the survival of uncontacted peoples globally.
Dear Jack,
It’s the weekend, and Survival’s annual Uncontacted Tribes Week has almost drawn to a close. But there’s still time to stand in solidarity with uncontacted peoples by giving a gift or taking action today.
Donate now
Survival is unique in that we don’t accept government funding to carry out our work. The generosity of our supporters allows us to maintain our independence and integrity, so we can continue to lobby governments and corporations, and expose violence faced by Indigenous peoples globally. Your support is crucial to our progress – and to the survival of uncontacted peoples the world over.
Donate today
Thank you,
Caroline Pearce
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Since 1969 | Supporters in over 100 countries
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