Chris Reykdal directing schools to disobey the law is concerning – and so is his mission to undermine the role of parents in their children’s lives.
Shift Washington


At Shift WA, we believe every voter deserves to know who they're voting for. That's why we're committed to providing in-depth interviews from a conservative perspective with candidates like David Olson, who is running to replace Chris Reykdal as State Superintendent this November.

Why is this important?

Well, this month, Reykdal advised school districts to defy the new parents’ bill of rights, a law designed to ensure parents are involved in their child's education. This law, introduced by voter initiative and approved by bipartisan majorities of lawmakers, grants parents access to vital records concerning their children's medical and counseling information related to gender identity and sexual orientation.

Reykdal directing schools to disobey the law is concerning – and so is his mission to undermine the role of parents in their children’s lives. Voters have a right to know Reykdal’s position and the positions of other candidates.

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Please consider donating today to support our work through this election cycle.

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The Shift WA Team