Thanks for donations – there is now a good supply of Personal Protective Equipment
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed and donated PPE. There are now good stock levels in Oldham, and donations are no longer needed at this time.
A PPE distribution hub has been set up to provide emergency stock to health and social care providers who have been unable to secure stock through usual routes. So far it has distributed just under 200,000 individual items, including eye protection.
It continues to have good stock levels of gloves, aprons, masks and eye protection available for health and social care services to use, and so there should be no situation in Oldham where health and social care providers, delivering essential personal or clinical care, do not have access to these items to protect themselves and those they are caring for.
Providers can make requests to access this stock by contacting [email protected].
Collection from the hub is between 12noon and 5pm, seven days a week.