Fellow Republicans,

For almost 3.5 years, I have had the honor of Chairing the Illinois Republican Party, and enjoyment of working closely with the great majority of you to rebuild the Illinois Republican Party. In that time, we have doubled State Party operational capabilities by better fundraising and building a bigger team through among other things activation of several new and old SCC Committees such as the Finance Committee and Election Integrity Committee.

When I took on this full-time volunteer job in February, 2021, I thought I would be spending most of my time fighting Democrats, helping elect Republicans, raising money to pay for more Party infrastructure, and advocating for Party unity. Unfortunately, however, I have had to spend far too much time dealing with intra party power struggles, and local intra party animosities that continued after primaries and County Chair elections.

In better days, Illinois Republicans came together after tough intra party elections. Now however, we have Republicans who would rather fight other Republicans than engage in the harder work of defeating incumbent Democrats by convincing swing voters to vote Republican.

Like Vince Kolber, my friend and former Finance Committee Chair, I am also concerned about the current infatuation of some members of the SCC, few as they are, with certain individuals they call “grass roots” leaders. Recent events including the RNC Committeeman election, immediately followed by the retribution sacking of the losing candidate Vice-Chair Mark Shaw, a long time State Party leader and worker, without due process and without taking any step to disciplining others for alleged or admitted Convention misconduct, portends a direction of the State Party I am not comfortable with.

Accordingly, I hereby resign as Chair of the Illinois Republican Party effective upon the election of my successor preferably no later than July 19, 2024 at 5pm. Like Vince, I will continue to personally support many of our great Republican state, local and federal candidates, and our many great Republican County Chairs and other positive and productive Republican leaders.

I hereby appoint State Central Committeewoman and ILGOP Secretary Jan Weber as Chair of a Search Committee and empower her to add two other members to that Committee as she sees fit.

Finally, my decision to resign was already set in place early Tuesday prior to the Wednesday Chicago Tribune article and not as a response. The Tribune's suggestion that my resignation was because Donald Trump is our Presidential nominee is incorrect. I very support re-election of President Trump over President Biden.  

97 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. To beat Biden and the Pritzker Democrats in 2024, we must use ALL tools available and EMBRACE early voting and Bank Your Vote. Bank Your Vote  is an all of the above strategy to get more Republicans to vote before Election Day and “Bank” their vote. We will be working hard to bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible…because the political party that votes for weeks and months will mathematically beat the party that only votes for one day. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote!

Bank Your Vote

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago, in suburban Cook County, and Madison County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

Calling all Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots. We need all eyes on the ballot! Election judges serve a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections. We need all eyes on the ballot and encourage all Illinois Republicans to sign up here. We encourage all your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to serve as election judges for the general election! We also will have a heavy emphasis on more election integrity training over zoom and in person to better educate voters on the process, as well as gauge interest to serve as election judges or poll watchers. The overall goal of our election integrity efforts is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Sign up to be an election judge or poll watcher in your county!

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

President Trump has the momentum!

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire: 


Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party


Don Tracy

Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

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Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
