The country will be safer because of today’s SCOTUS ruling Email not displaying correctly?
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Dear John,

Pfew! I’ll be honest, I’m relieved – and overjoyed!

In a closely watched case with life-and-death consequences, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled the government can continue denying firearms to people who have domestic violence protective orders against them. Eight of the nine justices agreed to continue this common-sense safety measure.

Here at Futures Without Violence, we’ve been working tirelessly to educate people about what’s at stake in this case. This afternoon, The Washington Post quoted part of our press statement on the ruling where we said, “SCOTUS rightly refused to end a common-sense safety measure that has been making our families and communities safer for decades." ​​

Read the whole statement here.

Thank you, as always, for your support!

In solidarity,

Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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