This week, Louisiana became the first state requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in all public schools and colleges.
Governor Jeff Landry signed House Bill 71 into law, which states that “each public school governing authority shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school under its jurisdiction.”
This is great news! The history and tradition of the Ten Commandments is rich and a bedrock of our modern legal system, as acknowledged in the carvings at the United States Supreme Court.
Our victories at the Supreme Court for Coach Joe Kennedy and the Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial removed bad legal precedent so that Louisiana could sign this bill into law.
Still, many opponents are claiming this bill is unconstitutional.
To break down the legal arguments behind this new law, First Liberty Live! will have on attorney Matt Krause—an independent legal and policy advisor to First Liberty. Matt recently testified at the Ohio legislature in support of a similar bill to the one Louisiana just passed.

This historic action by the state of Louisiana was made possible thanks to our landmark victories at the Supreme Court.
Thank you for supporting First Liberty. Because of your support, we were able to win for Coach Kennedy and for Bladensburg, and the precedents set by these victories are having a ripple effect across the nation.
Now, students all across the state of Louisiana will be reminded of the rich history and tradition that even the United States Supreme Court acknowledges in its displays.
This win for faith also serves as a reminder as to why we are celebrating First Freedom Day. On June 25, we will gather together to share the increasing hope for a faith-filled tomorrow.
But there is still much work to be done and many more battles to win.
Will you join us in the fight to renew hope and reclaim freedom for all Americans?