Give abused farm animals a second chance at better lives.
Dear John,
In these difficult times, we all can use some good news.
That’s why I want to share the inspiring story of Pearl, whose “before” and “after” photos illustrate the remarkable impact of Farm Sanctuary.
Before being rescued and joining our Southern California shelter, Pearl had been terribly neglected. She had such bad hoof rot that parts of her hooves had peeled away and sloughed off. She was emaciated, covered in horrific wounds from shearing, and had internal parasites.
Saddest of all, Pearl had been so traumatized by humans that she would panic and try to jump up the walls of her pen to get away from our caregivers. Both her body and her spirit were broken.
Pearl’s suffering broke our hearts. But her will to survive also inspired us to do everything in our power to help put her life back together. And that’s just what we did!
Thanks to the support of caring friends like you, Farm Sanctuary gave Pearl everything she needed to heal and become the happy sheep she was always meant to be.
Pearl is living proof of how you can change farm animals’ lives—and I hope she will inspire you to give more abused farm animals a second chance at their best possible lives by joining Farm Sanctuary with a special gift today.
As soon as Pearl came into our care, we wrapped her hooves so she could walk without pain. We gave her medications, nutritious food, and a warm and soft straw bed of her very own. As soon as she was strong enough, we introduced her to our main sheep flock—and she quickly settled in with her new sheep friends.
Over the months, her hooves have healed, the wounds on her body have closed, she has returned to a healthy weight, and her heart is beginning to mend as well.
We do everything we can to help animals like Pearl—and I hope you will too, by joining Farm Sanctuary today.
When you donate, you’ll become a member of Farm Sanctuary and receive exclusive benefits like:
- A FREE subscription to our Sanctuary magazine
- ACCESS to the cabin and tiny house accommodations at our New York shelter
- Seasonal VISITS to our sanctuaries
- OPPORTUNITIES to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals
- SPECIAL ALERTS with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, urgent rescues, and more
And most importantly, you’ll join us in providing rescued animals like Pearl with a lifetime of love, kindness, and specialized care.
Pearl may forever need special care and attention due to the terrible neglect she endured, but her suffering is all in the past. And, with your friendship and generosity, we can give more animals like her a bright future.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has made our work more challenging, your kindhearted support will help us navigate these uncertain times and ensure that we can continue to keep all of our animals healthy, safe, and well-fed—no matter what.
Please make possible more life-changing transformations for animals like Pearl by joining Farm Sanctuary today. Your generous gift will support all of Farm Sanctuary’s work to rescue, care for, and speak out on behalf of farm animals everywhere.
Thank you so much, and I hope you and your family are staying safe and well.
Yours in compassion,
Megan Watkins Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Our members ensure that Farm Sanctuary remains a place where miracles happen every day. Will you take this important step in your commitment to our lifesaving work? Help more sick, injured, and traumatized farm animals become healthy, happy, and whole by making your gift of love and care today. Thank you so much for not forgetting the needs of our rescued animals during this challenging time.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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