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Hold the Line PAC

Friends, it's Eugene Vindman and I’m honored to accept the Democratic nomination to represent Virginia’s 7th district in Congress!

Now, the real work begins — and it’s only going to get harder. This is likely going to be one of the most competitive and expensive races in the country.

As we head into the general election, I am counting on this team to show our MAGA opponent that we are determined and prepared to take them on. But I can't do that and win this battleground district without you by my side.

Please, can you split a $10 contribution contribution between Hold The Line PAC and my campaign to help me start the general election off on the right foot? Every single dollar will help power our pro-democracy movement through Election Day and help us take back the House majority from the extremist GOP.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split evenly between Hold The Line PAC and Eugene Vindman.
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The people of Virginia’s 7th district spoke up loud and clear to say that they want a representative with integrity — one who preserves our fundamental values and principles and not extremists who want to ban abortions and books.

But truthfully, this race is much bigger than Virginia’s 7th district, or you and me, friend.

It’s a fight to end the hateful MAGA regime that wants to control our lives, play politics with our classrooms, ban reproductive freedom, and serve their party over the people who elected them.

It’s a fight to return true leadership, integrity, and commitment to our country back to the People’s House.

It’s a fight to defend the very future of our democracy, and the stakes have never been higher.

So as we begin this next stage of our pro-democracy movement, I am hoping you will stand firmly by my side — because I cannot fend off attacks from Trump, wealthy MAGA mega-donors, and GOP super PACs without your support.

Can you please split a $10 contribution between Hold The Line PAC and my campaign for Congress today? Every day from now until November 5th, I’ll be fighting to keep this seat out of extremist hands.


Friend, we are at a critical juncture in American history, where our choices will determine whether we uphold democracy or fall to autocratic control.

As your Democratic nominee for VA-07, I will work tirelessly to hold this seat and ensure we can take back the house and continue to preserve this fragile experiment that is our democracy.

Let’s do this,

Eugene Vindman

Hold the Line PAC is championing the next generation of Democratic leadership and working to build a government that works for all — not just the select few. Donate today to support our work!

Paid for by Hold the Line PAC

Hold the Line PAC
PO Box 171
Bremen, GA 30110

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