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Dear John, 

In the lead up to the General Election on July 4th, what do you think the next parliament should prioritise on reproductive rights? 

We're creating a tool for you to find out where your parliamentary candidates stand on the reproductive issues that matter to you. Have your say in our short 30 second survey below.

Take 30 seconds to have your say
The survey will close at midnight, Monday 24 June. After we've analysed your responses, we will then send you a tool to email your parliamentary candidates to find out where they stand on reproductive choice issues.

Let's create a pro-choice future.

In the last parliament we saw unprecedented attacks on our reproductive rights. The anti-abortion lobby is increasingly well-resourced and well-funded, and they are not going away any time soon. They will continue to attempt to restrict abortion access in the next parliament, and we must fight to stop the attack and protect our abortion rights.

Our supporters are essential to our fight, without your help we would not have achieved key successes in the last government such as safe access zones and telemedicine.

Without your help, we will not be able to protect our abortion rights in the next government.

As we continue our fight, we rely on the generosity of supporters like you.
If you are able, please consider making a donation to support our cause. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant impact.

If a donation is not possible at this time, you can still support us by following and sharing our mission on social media. Your voice and engagement are powerful tools in spreading awareness and driving change.

Yes - I will donate
No - but I will follow you on social media

As ever, thank you for your support. 

The BPAS Team

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