At your request: This week's California Commentary by Jon Coupal
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California Commentary

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The big switch

By Jon Coupal

Proponents of the anti-Proposition 13 ballot measure Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1 (ACA1) are planning to amend the measure and replace it with another threat to taxpayers that only targets property owners.

As currently submitted and approved for the ballot, ACA 1 repeals the two-thirds vote protection for both local tax increases and bonds in order to pay for “infrastructure,” a term so expansive that local governments would be able to raise taxes for almost any purpose with a vote of just 55% of the electorate. This would make it far too easy to raise local taxes that are currently subject to the higher threshold.

But the problem for supporters of ACA 1 has been the popularity of Proposition 13. Since it was enacted in 1978, voters have continued to support the important two-thirds vote protection as evidenced by numerous polls over the years.

Various iterations of ACA 1 have been introduced in the Legislature over the last two decades but last year was the first time that legislative leadership – including the bill’s author and chief cheerleader, Assembly member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry – was able to jam it through both houses with the requisite two-thirds vote of each house.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the ballot. Proponents of ACA 1 learned what taxpayer advocates have been telling them for over forty years – that direct attacks on Proposition 13 would result in severe opposition at the ballot box. Their own polling indicated that ACA 1 would fail in a statewide vote.

“Recent voter surveys have indicated a lack of support for the special taxes portion of the constitutional amendment,” according to agenda documents from a recent meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments Joint Legislation Committee.

They are counting on ACA 1’s lower threshold for bonds to dramatically raise taxes in the Bay Area:

“Based on multiple polls conducted by EMC Research, it seems clear that a 55 percent vote threshold is critical to securing passage of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s pending ballot measure for a $20 billion regional housing bond.”

Hence, Plan B.

To read the entire column, please click here


Click here to listen to this week's Howard Jarvis Podcast, "Tapped Out Taxpayers" The Howard Jarvis Podcast features HJTA President Jon Coupal and VP of Communications Susan Shelley with a lively conversation that takes you inside California government in a way that's fun, interesting and sometimes scary. Check out all the recent podcasts by clicking here:
A note to our valued members and supporters: To increase the reach of our message to as many Californians as possible, HJTA made an agreement with the Southern California News Group papers to carry Jon Coupal's weekly column. The newspapers in the group, including the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Daily News, have added a paywall that allows only a limited number of page views per month, and then asks readers to become subscribers. HJTA is not marketing these subscriptions or receiving any payment from them. The columns are exclusive to SCNG's papers for one week and then are posted in full on HJTA's own website,, under "California Commentaries," where you can read them at your convenience, or read Jon's column online in all the SCNG papers at these links:
Jon Coupal is the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA). He is a recognized expert in California fiscal affairs and has argued numerous tax cases before the courts.
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621 S. Westmoreland Avenue, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90005

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