We want your opinion
We're asking all of our NumbersUSA members to answer one survey question:
PLEASE Participate in our question at the bottom of this email
Hi John -
I am very confident in the future of the United States. We're an immensely strong nation, and we will DEFINITELY pull through this COVID-19 crisis.
At the same time, we're all a bit afraid for our health and the lives of our friends and family. Now we're seeing an economic downturn of the scale not seen since the 1930s:
TWENTY-TWO MILLION people have been put out of work in just the past four weeks. Nearly 14% of Americans with jobs HAVE LOST THEIR JOBS OR BEEN FURLOUGHED WITHOUT PAY!!!
Now that the $1,200 government subsidies are hitting bank accounts, newspapers report that the number one use for these government aid checks is food. For so many people, times are very hard.
John, you know I write about immigration to keep you informed. So as I've read the papers, I've been thinking, "What should we do about immigration during this national emergency?"
After all, about 100,000 foreign nationals are granted lifetime work permits (greencards) every single month. Additionally, over two million temporary work visas are granted or renewed each year. How do we handle it as a nation?
It turns out that many people are wondering about that. The well-known USA Today / IPSOS poll asked the question in their latest scientific nationwide survey of U.S. adults, released this week. Here was their question:
"Which of the following actions, if any, should the U.S. government take regarding coronavirus or COVID-19?"
The survey then listed several possible actions the government could take. Here was one item the survey takers could choose:
"Temporarily stop immigration from all other countries."
For each item, survey takers were asked to answer "Yes," "No," or "Don't know."
John, I'm fascinated to know how you and all our other NumbersUSA members will answer that same question. I don't want to give you the percentages that USA Today / IPSOS revealed, because I don't want that to affect how YOU answer.
Please do press one of the answers below.
This is a REAL survey. We WILL record the answer of every member and add it to our base of knowledge. Who knows, we may be able to communicate your answers with those who can make decisions.
This will ONLY be useful to us if LARGE NUMBERS of our members participate. Don't worry - this is NOT a gimmick: There will NOT be a fundraising form. Instead, you will be taken to a thank-you page on NumbersUSA. The page will give you the results of USA Today / IPSOS poll. Next week, I will report back on how our members answered the question.
REMINDER: Even in these times, our NumbersUSA Action fund still needs financial support to fight for America. We do need support, but only from those who can afford to give.
If you'd like to give, please remember to reopen this email from me after you take the survey to make a donation if you can do so without anxiety. THANKS.
If you can give without anxiety, and you want to support our mission,
you can use Paypal or your credit card on our donation page.
[link removed]
Or you can still mail your payment or call (703) 816-8820.
John, here is YOUR survey question. PLEASE answer right now, before you forget about it!
NumbersUSA One-Question Member Survey
Considering actions the U.S. government could take regarding coronavirus or COVID-19, should the U.S. temporarily stop immigration from all other countries? (Click one answer below)
Yes [link removed]
No [link removed]
Don't know [link removed]
Remember, it is very important we hear from every member. We want your opinion. Thank you!
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.