PFAW Member, Right now, our democracy is under threat – and we need YOU to help us do something about it. The public health crisis of COVID-19 is unlike any challenge to our election systems that we’ve ever seen. States need adequate funding to implement serious voting procedure reforms right away, not only for the remaining Democratic primaries, but also for the general election in November. Wisconsin’s chaotic April primary is a stark example of why we must take action now. In partnership with the Declaration for American Democracy and its 150 member organizations, People For the American Way is helping to launch the “Protect Our Vote: Defending Democracy During COVID-19” virtual town hall series. Our goal is to illustrate the need for swift action from Congress to secure our right to safely vote in our election no matter the current health crisis, and to share solutions that will allow us to do just that. WHEN: Monday, April 20 at 8 PM EST/5 PM PSTWHERE: Live on Facebook WHO: Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman (R-WA), and other guests to be announced. In order to secure the $4 billion in funding necessary for the states to protect our democracy in the next federal COVID 19 relief package, we must demonstrate the overwhelming public and political support, across party lines, for the vital solutions necessary to protect our health and our elections, including expanded vote-by-mail and early voting, additional registration options, and other key reforms. Alongside a panel of civil society experts from partner organizations, PFAW Senior Campaigns Manager Rio Tazewell will discuss the importance of grassroots mobilization in advocating for these expanded election security funds. That’s why your attendance at this virtual town hall is critical – we want to share how you can take action to ensure that no American has to choose between their health and their right to vote ever again. Protecting every American’s right to vote is important to us all, and we want you to join us as we discuss the best ways to do that during this historic pandemic. We hope you can join us this Monday, April 20th! Stay safe and healthy, - Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate