
As you likely know by now, devastating fires have ravaged southeastern New Mexico this week. Thousands are displaced, unsure if they will have homes to return to when this is over.

Right now the most important thing is ensuring that the people affected by the fires are safe and cared for.

And to those who are able to help those impacted, here’s how:

The Shelter Fund is supporting New Mexicans who have lost their places of shelter as a result of the fires. You can find information on how to donate or apply for support here:


You can find more organizations to donate funds and supplies to at this list, compiled by KRQE:


In the meantime, I am working with our delegation and the Governor to drive resources to fight these fires, as well as secure federal support for recovery. I will do everything I can to help our communities respond and recover, and I cannot thank the firefighters, first responders, and other brave individuals enough for all their work to keep New Mexicans safe.

— Martin



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PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
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