Two days to go until Restore Nature Now - Park Lane at midday on Saturday

Hello John,

"Nature doesn't have a voice, but we do. Nature can't act, but we must." - Dame Judi Dench

In a video urging us to take to the streets this weekend, Dame Judi says “If we do not take action, we’ll lose this green and pleasant land forever.” The UK is already
one of the worst countries in the world for nature loss, with only half of its biodiversity remaining.

Video on Instagram of Celebrities backing Restore Nature Now

Dame Emma Thompson said: “Our politicians have a legal duty and a moral responsibility to ensure the next generation have a future full of thriving nature without the threat of climate disaster hanging over their heads. So take to the streets on June 22nd for the largest ever mobilisation for nature.” 

77% of voters say that politicians should be doing more to reduce the decline of nature in Britain. We are the centre, not the margins. But our politicians will ignore us if we let them.

Saturday. Noon. Park Lane. 

Use your voice.

Love and birdsong,



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