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June 20, 2024

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Congratulations to HAVAN on 50 Years of Service to Homebuilders

Last week, the Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN) celebrated a major milestone, its 50th anniversary. The unforgettable sold-out celebration brought together a room full of members, guests and industry stakeholders at the Brian Jessel BMW dealership in Vancouver.

From its roots as the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association (GVHBA), HAVAN has represented the residential construction industry in a region that has seen unprecedented changes over the last 50 years.

Over the last half-century, it has evolved from a relatively affordable and suburban-focused market to a high-density, high-cost urban landscape, influenced by global trends, technological advancements, and a strong emphasis on sustainability and livability.

Congratulations to the team at HAVAN. We are looking forward to many more years of partnership and collaboration to advocate for and advance B.C.'s homebuilding industry.


New Regulation Intended to Speed Up Homebuilding
BC Government

This week, the Province released regulations to provide greater clarity on what kind of information municipalities will be expected to collect for their Housing Needs Reports, as well as setting out standardized methods for calculating housing needs. Municipalities will be required to:
  • Continue to complete an HNR every 5 years;
  • Use the new provincial standardized method to calculate the 5- and 20-year housing needs in their respective municipalities;
  • Include information about the need for housing close to transit, cycling, and pedestrian infrastructure;
  • Complete an interim HNR by January 1, 2025; and
  • Update their OCPs and zoning bylaws to accommodate the housing need identified in the interim HNR by December 31, 2025.
The new regulations are in effect to standardize and improve community planning in the province and make it easier to get more homes built faster.

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Construction Industry Urges Kelowna Council to Rethink Noise Bylaw
Kelowna Daily Courier

CHBA Central Okanagan is urging the City of Kelowna to reconsider changes to its good neighbour bylaw that could increase costs and slow the rate of construction in the growing city.

Currently in Kelowna, construction noise is allowed between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. seven days a week, including statutory holidays. City staff have recommended the bylaws be changed to 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends and no construction noise on stats.

In a letter to the local government, CHBA-CO pointed out that construction projects have tight deadlines, and delays could impact completion dates and increase costs. CHBA CO has proposed an alternative — Saturday hours be set at 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday hours at 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and hours on stat holidays be set at 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Major Capital Construction Projects Planned to Upgrade and Expand Langley's Electricity Grid
BC Hydro

Last week, BC Hydro announced it will construct more than $1.25 billion in capital projects throughout Burnaby. Following up on that, another growing region of the Lower Mainland will also get major upgrades to improve its electrical capacity.

Approximately $725 million in capital construction is planned throughout Langley over the next decade to upgrade and expand the electricity grid and provide clean power for homes and businesses in growing communities.

The investment is part of BC Hydro's 10-Year Capital Plan which is meant to meet the rapid growth in these areas.

Click here to read the announcement with a list of the projects planned for Langley.


New Digital Tool Supports Industries Most Impacted by Opioid and Other Substance-Related Harms
Digital Public Square

While people working in the trades, including construction and other labour-intensive industries, continue to experience increased challenges with substance use, Canadian nonprofit organization Digital Public Square is taking action via technology.

The organization recently introduced Level Up, an interactive digital tool providing education, links to support services, and other resources for communities at greater risk of substance-related harm.

Level Up was designed based on national research and engagement with stakeholders on the industries' frontlines, including employees, employers and industry organizations.

Weekly Update
Canadian Home Builders' Association of British Columbia
400-6400 Roberts Street | Burnaby, B.C., V5G 4C9
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Mary Todd Anthony, Content Editor, Multiview
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