An Op-Ed I wrote recently with Bruce Lesley was published this week in the DC Journal… simply put? Our nation’s children are in crisis. And they are in desperate need of Kids First elected officials who will champion legislation that prioritizes their future.
Here are the facts: In 2021, expanded policies cut child poverty nearly in half, reduced the number of uninsured children, and dropped food insecurity to record lows. Yet, these gains have already vanished with new policies that fail to center their well-being: Child poverty nearly doubled from 2021 to 2022, and over 5 million children have lost healthcare coverage amidst a mental health crisis.
Too often, children are an afterthought in politics. Candidates talk about protecting our children, but their actions fall short. That is truly the reason our PAC exists — to help elect candidates who put children at the center of their campaigns with a donation of $5 to Their Future PAC today.
Backing Kids First candidates means you’re supporting candidates who will advocate, for example, for school meal programs and nutrition standards, to ensure all children are safe from violence, to restore the expanded Child Tax Credit, to maintain children’s health coverage, and so much more.
When we don’t use our vote to elect candidates who put kids first — the biggest losers are our children. But a campaign centered on children is not just good for kids; it’s good for all of us — and it wins elections.
Please give $5 or more to help us fight for candidates that put kids first.
Until the kids are alright,
Annie Andrews
P.S. Read the full piece in the DC Journal here: