Gallup reports slight gain in ‘pro-choice’ sentiment… but reported the opposite a year ago
This morning, Gallup released the results of the annual poll on abortion. It found that 54 percent of Americans identify as “pro-choice.” That is an increase of two percentage points since last year’s Gallup poll. This poll also found that a record 32 percent of U.S. voters would vote only for a candidate who shares their views on abortion.
Her pregnancy gave her courage to report ongoing sexual abuse. Her miscarriage made her pro-life.
Ayala Isenberg became pregnant in high school after years of sexual abuse. She ultimately miscarried, and the sudden loss spurred her to report her abuser -- and to stand up for all preborn lives. “It was my daughter, conceived in rape, who truly saved my life,” she said.
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Scotland lawmakers approve ‘most extreme abortion buffer zone law in the world’
MSPs in the Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly approved a bill on June 12 to institute buffer zones of at least 200 meters around the nation’s abortion facilities despite strong public disapproval.
Polish bishops: ‘No one has the right to decide on the life of another human being’
Three years ago, Poland ended eugenic abortions, protecting preborn children with disabilities from being intentionally killed. Prior to that law, 98% of abortions in Poland were committed due to the prenatal diagnosis of a disability.
Embracing Family Values: Exclusive Interview with Helen Alvare
Helen Alvare, professor of law at George Mason University, sits down to discuss her decades-long fight for the dignity of women and a return to traditional family values on this week’s episode of Exclusives with Lila Rose.
The United States has the highest rate of single parenthood in the world. Why don’t dads stick around, and what’s the outcome for families where they don’t? Live Action founder and president Lila Rose walks us through why.
If human reproduction happens at the moment of fertilization, does it make sense to call abortion a "reproductive right?" Live Action took to the streets of Nashville to find out.
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