Your help is needed for uncontacted tribes to win their battles
Dear Jack,
You still have time to take action during this Uncontacted Tribes Week - can you spare a few minutes?
This is the week when Survival supporters demand respect for the rights of the least known and most threatened peoples in the world - those peoples who live in the greatest harmony with our planet, and yet who are most in danger of being wiped off the face of it.
Thousands of Survival supporters have already made their voices heard - can you?
You can email the Indian government, protesting plans to turn the small forested island of the uncontacted Shompen people into a mega-port and huge new industrial city.
You can contact the Brazilian government, calling for legal protection of the land of the uncontacted Kawahiva, who are threatened by loggers and agribusiness.
You can call on the FSC to remove its certification from a logging company cutting down the forest of the uncontacted Mashco Piro in Peru.
Thank you for supporting Survival’s crucial work, and please consider taking action for the world’s uncontacted peoples: they are making clear their resistance to the invasion and destruction of their lands, but your help is needed for them to win.
With thanks,
Caroline Pearce
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