Dear Friends,
We hope that this newsletter finds you still safe, healthy, and hopefully able to find some time for yourself and your loved ones in this chaotic time. Please be advised that our institute at 1377 R St. NW remains closed until further notice; our staff is teleworking and can be reached via email.
Our language department is as busy as ever, offering online German courses, webinars for German teachers, and coaching for German teachers getting used to distance learning. German teachers are also invited to join our first virtual Stammtisch on Friday, April 17th, at 11:00 am EST.
We are very excited to roll out some of our first digital cultural programming! If you don't have a Netflix account, now would be a great time to make one, even for a trial run – on April 30, we will discuss the first two episodes of Babylon Berlin, Season One. So put on your kohl eyeliner and pull out your smartest vintage threads, because we'll be heading back in time to the era of Weimar Berlin. We're also thrilled that we'll be taking the Goethe Book Club online as well – on May 5, we will discuss Saša Stanišić's novel Before the Feast / Vor dem Fest via Zoom.