From National Nurses United <>
Subject Honoring our nurses
Date April 17, 2020 12:52 AM
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[1]National Nurses United

In the midst of this crisis, nurses have sacrificed so much to keep the
people of this country safe – sometimes even their own lives. We are
devastated to share with you that at least 40 nurses have now died after
treating COVID-19 patients and contracting the virus while on the job. 

In their honor, we held a virtual candlelight vigil on Tuesday night to
honor these lives lost and call attention to the grave danger nurses are
put in everyday when they’re asked to treat patients without adequate
personal protective equipment (PPE).

We need your help to share the video of our virtual vigil so senators have
no choice but to see it on their Twitter feed — because the more support
we have from dedicated people like you, the more firepower we have to
fight for nurses on the front lines. 

[ [link removed] ]Will you share our video on Twitter to help ensure that all senators
see our virtual vigil honoring the nurses we have lost to this virus and
the health care workers who are still putting their lives at risk everyday
to keep people safe? We can prevent more deaths if Congress acts
immediately to provide more PPE.

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

[ [link removed] ]Share our video on Twitter »

It’s clear: President Trump has not yet used his full power under the
Defense Production Act to produce the equipment needed to protect nurses.
We are counting on Congress to step in and mandate the President do
everything in his power to provide the PPE required to protect nurses from
this virus while on the job. 

Nurses need Congress to act NOW because every day they waste, more nurses
die from the lack of adequate PPE. This country was unprepared for a
crisis on this scale, and now Congress must take action to prevent more
nurses from losing their lives.

This video calls attention to the somber reality we will continue to
endure as this pandemic worsens. We need your help to share it and spread
our message across the country: Nurses need help, and Congress must act
NOW to protect them.

[ [link removed] ]Stand with NNU and nurses in danger across the country by sharing our
virtual vigil to hold our senators responsible for the lives at stake if
they refuse to act.

In solidarity,

National Nurses United 

P.S. If you’re not on Twitter, [ [link removed] ]please consider sharing NNU Executive
Director Bonnie Castillo's post on Facebook. Make sure to tag your
senators in your post!

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