Start your annual gift today to get your first gift matched up to $75,000.
protect the birds you love; bird illustrations
National Audubon Society
Keep them singing; American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch.
Protect them [donate]; bird illustration
Double your impact for birds and the places they need to survive
As the weather rapidly warms, the usual summer soundtrack of chirps, trills, and whistles could one day go quiet. This would be a profound loss of biodiversity, hinting at ecological shifts impacting not just the birds we love but the entire fabric of nature. Sadly, we’re edging closer to this reality as human impacts accelerate and climate change advances.

It’s not too late to build a brighter future for all birds from precious songbirds like the American Goldfinch to vulnerable species like Piping Plovers—but there’s no time to lose. Please, start your annual gift now while your first gift will be matched, up to $75,000 »
Protect them with your gift [donate now]; bird illustrations
When you make an annual gift today, you’ll join a community of our most dedicated bird lovers across the country who help deliver hands-on conservation efforts that are locally focused and guided by region- and bird-specific expertise. Through research, advocacy, and hands-on conservation action to maintain and protect resilient landscapes across the nation, we are also pushing for the large-scale change it will take to ease habitat loss and help reverse the climbing temperatures of the climate crisis.
Climate change is putting birds at serious risk.
Goldfinch Icon.
These beloved songbirds could disappear from two-thirds of their present breeding range.
Goldfinch Icon.
Extreme weather like heat waves and storms endanger young birds.
Goldfinch Icon.
We’ve already lost 3 billion birds in the span of a human lifetime.
The American Goldfinch and many other vulnerable birds are counting on compassionate and generous people like you to help them survive. So please, start your annual donation today and your first gift will go twice as far to protect birds and their habitats.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Katherine Sayn Wittgenstein/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: American Goldfinch, Piping Plover.
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2024 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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