A Historic Election in South Africa: Implications for Its External Orientation

In South Africa’s parliamentary elections held recently, the African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority in the national parliament for the first time since rising to power following apartheid in 1994. As a result, the ANC is forced to form a coalition government with rival parties for the first time in its history. 

Join us to discuss how a new coalition government might impact South Africa’s foreign policy and its outward-facing economic policies post-election, including its views toward the ongoing great power rivalry involving the US, China, and Russia, its international legal challenge to the war in Gaza, and US-South Africa bilateral ties

June 2024

10:30 AM ET
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Join us for a timely and important discussion with:

Ziyanda Stuurman​

Ziyanda Stuurman is a Senior Analyst for southern Africa at the Eurasia Group, where she analyzes political and economic developments with a focus on South Africa, Mozambique and Angola. Her thematic emphases include macroeconomics, security, trade, and energy. Ziyanda has been a policy researcher in the South African Parliament. 

Kingsley Makhubela

Kingsley Makhubela is a former South African diplomat who served as ambassador to Portugal and Kenya. He also served as special envoy to conflict areas of Sudan, Somalia and Comoros. He previously served as Director General of the Department of Tourism and Chief Executive of Brand South Africa, the country's brand management agency.

Sarang Shidore (Moderator)

Sarang Shidore is Director of the Global South program at the Quincy Institute and a senior non-resident fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks. His areas of research and analysis are geopolitical risk, grand strategy, and energy/climate security, with a special emphasis on Asia and the Global South.  


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