Poster for the next National march for Palestine. Text reads:

The next national march for Palestine takes place just two days after the general election. If you can, please join us in central London on Saturday, 6 July, to help put pressure on the new government to immediately suspend arms sales to Israel and to back an urgent ceasefire in Gaza. 

•    Saturday, 6 July
•    Assemble 12 noon
•    More details TBC, check our event page for more information

With just over two weeks to go until the vote, we need to let parliamentary candidates know that their views on a ceasefire matter when it comes to who we vote for. On CND's election page, you can find a template letter and questionnaire on disarmament and other crucial peace issues, to send to your candidates and return to us to share with other voters. 

Text reads:

Join the third annual 24-hour Peace Wave this Saturday! 
Now in its third year, the International Peace Bureau and World Beyond War's 24-hour Peace Wave brings together peace activists from across the world to share messages of solidarity and calls to action in opposition to growing militarism. The event takes place shortly before planned protests at NATO’s summit in Washington in July.
This will be a 24-hour-long Zoom event, rolling through the global time zones and featuring live peace actions in streets and squares across the world, plus talks, and recorded messages of support. There will be a live Q&A section for the last 10 minutes of each hour.

•    Saturday, 22 June to Sunday, 23 June
•    Event starts 2pm BST, register here 


CND is proud to once again be starting proceedings on the Saturday. We'll be sharing reports of our campaigning activities from the past year, as well as discussing Lakenheath Alliance for Peace's upcoming international peace camp at RAF Lakenheath. 


New on the CND website

  • News: NATO chief raises nuclear risk by calling for more operational nukes.
  • Blog: In our second guest election blog post, CND Officer Annie Tunnicliffe writes on making nuclear weapons at Lakenheath an election issue.
  • Press Release: CND's response to ICAN's new report on global nuclear weapons spending.

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

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London N7 8DQ

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