Today, we celebrate Juneteenth, a monumental day marking the liberation of enslaved Black people in the United States.



Today, we celebrate Juneteenth, a monumental day marking the liberation of enslaved Black people in the United States. While the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863, it didn't immediately free everyone in Confederate territory. It wasn't until June 19, 1865, that over 250,000 people in Texas finally learned of their freedom. 


Post-emancipation, African Americans were forced to carve their place in a society that was still hostile to their rights and existence. Nevertheless, they worked to reclaim space in every facet of life, from politics to the workforce. In 1925, A. Philip Randolph organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first predominantly African-American labor union. This was a significant stride in demanding respect, fair wages, and better working conditions for Black workers. A. Philip Randolph famously once said, “Freedom is never given; it is won.” 


Despite the progress made, inequality persists. Due to systematic racism, Black people still earn between 30% and 35% less than white workers, have disproportionately high unemployment rates, and are routinely passed over for opportunities for promotion. However, unionized Black workers earn on average 14% more than non-union workers across the workforce. The Labor Movement holds true to always fighting for and combating the continued injustices experienced by Black workers. A union contract is the single best tool we have to close racial wage gaps and ensure dignity and fair treatment for all workers. 


Rasean Clayton, President of the APRI Phoenix Chapter, captures this spirit well: “That same fighting spirit that slaves had is in each and every union member, labor leader, and activist — keeping the torch going in closing the gap on economic, social, and racial inequalities.”


Through collective action and solidarity, unions continue to fight for fair treatment and equity for Black workers, echoing the belief that when we fight, we win. Juneteenth is a reminder of the long road to freedom and justice, and it underlines the importance of ongoing efforts to achieve true equality. As we honor this day, let us also commit to supporting the fight for justice for Black workers and ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights are protected.


Phoenix Juneteenth Celebration 

On Saturday, June 15th the Arizona AFL-CIO joined the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) - Phoenix Chapter at Eastlake Park for the Phoenix Juneteenth Celebration. Their booth to give out information on APRI, union apprenticeship programs and even signed up two new members! Here are some photos from the event: 


What Is APRI and How Can I Join? 

The Arizona AFL-CIO is a diverse and inclusive family of working people. We advocate for all workers. Our constituency groups address the challenges that workers from diverse backgrounds face. These groups reach out to the communities they serve, build solidarity, help out with organizing efforts and ensure full participation in our movement. 


The A. Philip Randolph Institute is an organization of Black Trade Unionist to fight for racial equality and economic justice. A. Philip Randolph and Byard Rustin, co-founders of APRI, were instrumental in merging the fights for workers' rights and civil rights. They believed that both movements shared common goals of political and social freedom, and economic justice. Their Black-Labor Alliance contributed to significant victories, including the passage of the Voting Rights Act. In 1965, they established the A. Philip Randolph Institute to further advocate for social, political, and economic justice for all working Americans. Today, APRI is led by Clayola Brown whos vision and energy has sparked a new beginning for the organization and for the movement as a whole.


If you would like more information on becoming an APRI Member in Phoenix or Tucson, please respond to this email! 

In Solidarity,