Help elect Stephen Smith for WV Governor.



That’s the number of our fellow West Virginians who won’t have a home tonight.


That’s the number of our fellow West Virginians who won’t have a place to go to safely maintain physical distance during the pandemic--and it's a number that will grow as the economic impacts do.


There are thousands more homeless students, taking into account shifting or substandard home environments, where a child may have temporary housing with a relative, live in a motel/hotel, or in other unstable environments.


It doesn't have to be this way.


Our plan to end homelessness would:


🔷 Invest in affordable housing options for people in recovery, veterans, traumatized children, people living with mental illness, victims of abuse, and seniors.


🔷 Reactivate the WV Interagency Council on Homelessness


🔷 Explore ways to expand affordable housing options for college/vocational students


Read the full plan here

Here's how you can help make this plan law:

1) Share this plan with your friends right now. 

2) Donate to our campaign, so this plan can become law.

3) Set up a call with Stephen Smith, candidate for Governor.



Katey Lauer

Smith for WV Campaign Manager


Paid for and authorized by Smith for WV.