Experts have called the current Supreme Court “the most conservative court in a century,” and I’m inclined to agree.
The Culture War Court is hostile to women, LGBTQ+ people, people of color, immigrants, workers, and democracy in general. Last week they overturned the ban on bump stocks – an accessory that dramatically increases the firing rate of semi-automatic weapons.
I mean, it could hardly get worse…right? Right?!
First we learned that Justice Clarence Thomas accepted $4 million (!) worth of gifts, yacht trips, RV loans, and more from various wealthy extremists, and that his wife actively attempted to overturn the 2020 election.
Then we learned that Justice Samuel Alito flew a pro-insurrection flag at his beach house in the weeks following the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol.
For these guys, Donald Trump > Democracy. Simple as that.
If we let Donald win this November, this Court won’t just be the most conservative IN a century. It’ll be a conservative court FOR a century.
We need a strong, united pro-democracy movement to avert this nightmare scenario. That’s why I’m asking you to kick in $20 to help mobilize Democrats nationwide. Let’s put our democracy back together.
Sean Casten