Your support today means changes tomorrow

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Your NameMake a donation today to support Ayanna's people-centered policies.

Ayanna has been hard at work fighting for progressive policies that center justice and put people first:

Polls show that these progressive values have broad and deep support. It’s critical that our fundraising numbers reflect that. That’s how we compete against special interests and corporate PACs that want to see our movement fail — and how we mobilize support to get these policies passed.

While Republican opposition is gaining momentum, we need to show our grassroots team is strong and only getting stronger. If everyone reading this pitches in $20, we can hit our fundraising goal before the end of the month and demonstrate just how much momentum this movement carries.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

From advocating for abortion protections to calling for affordable housing and reforming our unjust criminal legal system, Ayanna’s fighting for bold, transformative change. Our grassroots fundraising model means Ayanna can focus on these progressive, people-centered policies instead of spending her time fundraising, but this model can only work if folks pitch in — whatever they can, whenever they can — to emails like this one.

Your donation doesn’t just support our work on the ground — it is a powerful representation of our strength and your values. Will you give now to show Ayanna you’re with her in this fight?

We don’t expect you to donate every time we ask. No matter how much or how often you’re able to contribute, we’re grateful to have you with us.

The A-Team