Here’s what I mean by abortion justice.
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Abortion bans. Let's call them for what they are: Ploys by politicians to gain political power. These politicians don't care about our lives, health, or future fertility. And you already know the same people who are anti-abortion are also anti-immigrant, anti-working class, anti-racial, gender, and LGBTQ justice.

That's why we at All* Above All are fighting for an intersectional solution — together. Building on the foundation laid by Black women reproductive justice activists who came before, we shape our approach to abortion justice within a human rights framework that includes all of us.

With us, all means all. Because true abortion justice — where everyone has access to abortion care that's safe, affordable, and supported — must include racial, economic, and gender justice. It has to. So we're working to not only lift abortion bans, but also take on issues like race, economic insecurity, and immigration status that multiply the already massive barriers to abortion care.


AAA's green asterisk icon Abortion that's available without hurdles or stigma for people of color, LGBTQ and non-binary people, young folks, and immigrants, regardless of their documentation status
AAA's green asterisk icon Economic conditions that allow our communities to thrive
AAA's green asterisk icon Nationwide insurance coverage for reproductive healthcare
AAA's green asterisk icon A thriving democracy where all our voices are heard and there is true representation for All of our communities

Just last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to dismiss a case brought by anti-abortion extremists in an attempt to further restrict medication abortion care by blocking mifepristone. Let me be very clear: This is not a win. This case had no business making it to the highest court in the first place. Roe wasn't enough to preserve our dignity — and we will no longer settle for crumbs. That's why we're boldly looking forward to a new future.

People sometimes ask me if I have hope for a future where everyone has access to abortion given the current state of things. The answer is a resounding yes. I absolutely believe in a multiracial feminist future where we have the space not only to have full abortion access, but for liberation, for joy — for all the pieces that our communities deserve.

It's incredibly important for us to have hope. Imagining a new future is a movement strategy. Click here to learn more about ours.

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In Solidarity,
Nourbese Flint

P.S. These are the moments that define our history… We are putting our stake in the ground, declaring UNAPOLOGETICALLY that abortion justice is not a luxury, it's a right. You're a part of this movement. Stay on top of it by following us on Instagram, Facebook and X, or make a donation today.

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All* Above All
1201 Connecticut Ave NW #661
Washington, DC 20036
United States
All* Above All is a person-of-color-led abortion justice organization. We rely on private grant funding and donations from advocates like you. Your tax-deductible gift will go to work straight away as we shift narratives, move policy, and build networks to create a future in which abortion care is available for everyone who needs it.

EIN: 20-5806345