Green Party of Canada

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Dear Friend,

It’s times like these that we can help our communities come together and support those in need. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I am thinking about my neighbours, colleagues and loved ones who are facing uncertainty and unprecedented challenges.

As the MP for Fredericton I’ve been so proud of how my riding and our country has responded. In parliament, together with Elizabeth and Paul, we’ve been working across party lines to close the gaps in Canada’s relief package. I’ve heard from students, seasonal workers, small businesses and more. Our teams are working hard to respond to your questions and address your concerns.

Working together in our communities, in parliament, and around the world is how we’re going to help each other through this. 

But the big solutions are still down the road and people are struggling right now. So today, I want to encourage you to support your local food banks, donate blood if you can, or help promote the work of local community efforts through your network. 

And I want to encourage you to seek help if you need it. Food banks, women’s shelters, and mental health helplines are all showing how vital they are in situations like these. We’re all in this together and no one should feel left behind.

I’ve been supporting the Oromocto and Area Food Bank and the Greener Village by promoting these local food banks on Facebook (you may have seen my haircut challenge video). And there are so many other worthy initiatives across this country. 

These organizations are feeling the strain of increased demand, fewer donations and volunteers due to the pandemic. If you have the means, I urge you to support the organizations that you feel meet your community’s needs best.

If you have any questions about the work that the Green Party is doing in this difficult time, please do not hesitate to ask.

Together with you,

Jenica Atwin
MP for Fredericton

The Green Party is proud to be a voice for those struggling in this time of uncertainty. All our operations are funded by generous donors like you. If you're able, please consider renewing your support for our efforts by making a donation at


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.