
If you need a clear example of how right-wing extremists are pushing a national agenda in Iowa, look no further than Governor Reynolds's illegal reentry law. This bill was always destined to be unconstitutional and could never amount to more than Governor Reynolds auditioning to star in the reality television drama: The Real Extremists of Iowa.

Des Moines Register:

But the Republican extremists who passed this bill are not benign. Their actions have consequences.

When Reynolds and her far-right allies bring national priorities to Iowa, we see Iowa's tax dollars going to out-of-state charter schools; corporations taking advantage of everyday Iowans; abortion rights are threatened; needless and illegal immigration laws are enacted.

We need more Democrats in Iowa's legislature because Iowans deserve leaders who will legislate on the issues here in Iowa, not on national culture wars. I am committed to our Democratic movement in Iowa, but I need your help to grow our grassroots organizing. Can you chip in $11, help us elect more Democrats in Iowa, and put an end to Kim Reynolds and her indefensible agenda?

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