
The U.S. Postal Service is once again under attack by Republicans who want to bankrupt yet another vital American service—an enduring tradition of theirs. Now Trump has doubled down by refusing to grant the USPS any portion of the stimulus packages, with the ultimate goal of privatizing the mail service.

Despite the Postal Service being essential for delivering life-saving medications, food, paychecks, and ballots, Trump would see them bankrupt before the end of the year if he had his way.

Fortunately, leaders like Seth are working on a bill to save the Postal Service. Seth cosponsored H.R. 6425—the Protect Our Post Offices Act, which would provide $25 billion in emergency money for the postal service to stay open. This would buy us time to fix the underlying financial problems, keep postal workers on the job, and make sure everyone in America can get mail at home, which is vital, especially right now.

Sign our petition to fully fund and save the United States Postal Service.

The Postal Service is one of our nation’s oldest, well-functioning, and most reliable entities. It’s been a lifeline for Americans before the coronavirus pandemic, during this crisis, and will continue to be so after the pandemic passes.

Sign our petition to save the Postal Service.

Thank you,

Team Moulton