
Volume 23 • Issue 16 • April 16, 2020
"These totals affirm that targeting unregulated marijuana-related growing operations still remains a DEA priority."
"These results show that cannabis may improve opioid withdrawal symptoms and that the size of the effect is clinically meaningful."
The newly proposed rules expand the DEA's authority by declaring it to be the only entity legally permitted to purchase, warehouse, and dispense any cannabis grown under a federal license.
"Virginians have long opposed the criminalization of personal marijuana possession, and Gov. Northam's signature turns that public opinion into public policy."
"In comparison to other drugs, a better side effect profile was presented."
The agency said that they are "unable to provide any concrete timeline" as to when retail businesses will be operational.
04/15/20 5:50pm UTC
Action Alert: Tell Congressional Leadership To Support Small Cannabis Businesses Details
04/14/20 7:51pm UTC
DEA: Marijuana Plant Seizures Spike, Arrests Fall in 2019 Details
04/14/20 4:41pm UTC
Updated: More States Taking Action to Ensure Uninterrupted Retail Access to Medical Cannabis During COVID-19 Outbreak Details
04/14/20 3:17pm UTC
Virginia: Governor Approves Bills to Decriminalize Marijuana and Legalize Medical Cannabis Details
04/12/20 2:09pm UTC
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