Dear John,
American prosperity was built by the hands and on the backs of American workers. We cannot expect to fully recover from this virus unless we get back to work and reopen our economy, FAST!

Meanwhile, government continues to use the coronavirus pandemic to wreak havoc on our Constitution! 
Every day we hear of more freedoms and liberties  being taken away.

Church gatherings are being forbidden and congregations fined up to $500 per individual for assembling. Pastors are not only being fined but threatened with arrest and incarceration for doing the work which God ordained them to do.

In Greenville, Mississippi the Mayor issued an Executive Order for all church services to be closed and tickets were given despite the fact that individuals never left their car.
It's time for Conservatives to fight back and that's exactly what I am doing!
I have intervened to assist Pastor Tony Spell in Louisiana, and intend to do whatever is necessary to defend our liberties in other matters.
Pastor Tony Spell has stood alone as community leaders, local officials, and even the Governor has threatened him with fines, incarceration, and criminal sanctions. Some of his members have been terminated from their employment by local businesses who support the governor's unlawful edict.

Our founders never intended for Government to usurp the powers which the First Amendment secured for us and which the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution reserved to the states or to the people. That is why I have stepped in to defend our faith!
I am also urging other pastors and churches to stand up with me for our Christian faith and our Constitutional freedoms.

Pastor Spell, like Daniel of old, refused to forsake his allegiance to God to the authority of the state. As Justice William O Douglas stated in Girouard vs U.S. 1946, " Throughout the ages men have suffered death rather than subordinate their allegiance to God to the authority of the state. Freedom of Religion guaranteed by the First Amendment is a product of that struggle."

We are proud to represent Pastor Spell, but we can only do so with your help! Will you show your support  by giving a donation today?
Unless we stand together now, we will set a dangerous precedent which will be used to further deprive us of our most sacred and unalienable rights!
Where is the ACLU? Where is Equal Justice Initiative? Nowhere to be found... That's because they don't really care about your liberties or freedoms unless it benefits them.

During these times, we must stand our ground and not give up! We know that faith has always sustained us during hard times, and we must constantly look to God to deliver us from pestilence, plague, and now petty tyrants who would take our freedoms from us.
May God bless you,
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