Please donate if you can

Help spread our message loud and clear in London tube stations this September


Dear Friend,


This autumn we're getting our anti-nuclear message out with adverts in the London underground – where millions of people travel everyday. We are raising the alert about the high risk of nuclear war.
We are focusing on stations frequented by students. As they return to university and freshers' week begins, we want to get our message out to this new generation – as well as wider society.


Many students are active in solidarity with the Palestinian people – and we stand with them. Let's also help make them aware of the existential threat posed by nuclear weapons. Let's win them to our cause!
Please, if you can, donate to this advert campaign and help spread the message to millions of people.

Nuclear war is a very real threat. As a result of ongoing conflict in the world, the risk of nuclear of nuclear weapons being used again has never been higher.
Our message is a simple but important one. The text of the advert will read: 
The risk of nuclear war has never been higher
Get active to stop it
Join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Can you help us raise the £15,000 we need to run this London tube advert campaign? We know that this kind of action can be effective in reaching a large number of people, and the more money we can raise, the more people we can reach.
If you can contribute towards the cost of these adverts please send a donation. Any amount is gratefully received, but if everyone who receives this email donated £20 we would have an extremely high profile campaign!

In peace,

Kate Hudson

General Secretary

Copyright © 2024 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom