Answers to all your questions about the upcoming march
Restore Nature Now - June 22nd 2024

Hello John

I haven't been paying attention. What’s going on?
A large, peaceful and inclusive march calling on all political parties to make this General Election the turning point for nature that we so desperately need.

Who is organising and supporting it?

A 300+ strong group of charities, grassroots organisations and individuals including XR UK, the RSPB, Friends of the Earth, Woodland Trust, Rewilding Britain, National Trust and hundreds more.

What's the goal?
The next generation deserves a world where nature is thriving and which is free from the threat of climate catastrophe. Learn more about the aims.

Choose Life banner with wildlife

What will the march be like?
Peaceful, legal and family-friendly, the march will be a vibrant love letter to our planet - and a loud and clear message to our politicians that we demand better for nature.

Where and when?

Assemble from 11:30am at Park Lane on Saturday. Find out more.

Is it family friendly?

Yes! The day is designed to be family friendly and there's also a dedicated families area. Learn more on the family FAQs.

Got more questions?
Watch a video of the latest info session or browse through more FAQs here.

What can I do in the meantime?

So much!! You can... get creative to honour nature including making an origami bird, prep the birdsong we'll use for part of the march, join the Telegram chat and, most important of all, tell a friend!

Not got the time for prep? That's ok! Come as you are.

Love and birdsong,


PS There's still time to be trained as a steward. Join the 500 stewards who have already signed up.

Spider puppet
No nature No Future banner and march

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