I’ll say it again - YOU made ALL the difference!
I’m back with some more information for you about our fierce battle and relentless campaign against the WHO Pandemic Treaty, and some behind-the-scenes insights.
After returning from Geneva, my team and I are exhausted—but it was all worth it! I am thrilled that our hard work and collective effort have paid off.
I can proudly say that the work you and I have done together has truly borne fruit, and nothing makes me happier than knowing this.
It fills me with hope to see the incredible results we can achieve when united together, as active, freedom-loving citizens.
Got a couple minutes to spare? I'd love to fill you in on everything that's happened.
Before I dive in, check out this amazing video of the CitizenGO team’s actions at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva (I never get tired of watching it):

The showdown over the Pandemic Treaty was nothing short of epic. Backed by your unwavering support, we really managed to stir things up, exposing the WHO’s agenda, and, most importantly, stalling their plans!
It was the week when all eyes were on Geneva. People from all over gathered to witness what was unfolding. It felt like everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what would happen.
Exposing Their Hideous Agenda
The UN was infuriated by our presence there because CitizenGO has become THE unyielding force against the Pandemic Treaty.
We’ve been the ONLY ones, session after session, breathing down their necks - the ONLY organization persistently exposing their project for what it really is and applying pressure from every angle to stall their sinister plans.
They thought their secrecy would protect them, that they could quietly push this through behind closed doors…
But then we showed up — and we have been their worst nightmare ever since!
They couldn’t stand our presence. The UN chief of security even called the police to try and halt our CitizenGO Freedom Bus. That’s the extent to which they went to shut us up!

As the very fate of our freedoms was hanging in the balance, the undeterred CitizenGO team on the ground was everywhere – from intense pressure on delegates to high-energy protests - they felt the overwhelming pressure from countless voices outside was too immense to ignore.
Picture this: delegates navigating their way through a sea of vibrant blue CitizenGO banners, each one loudly proclaiming the truth about the Treaty—a blatant totalitarian power grab!
And it wasn’t just delegates. Bystanders flocked in numbers, curious to see what was going on.
The media quickly took notice, with reporters rushing to ask about the bus and our massive campaign. Mainstream media outlets covered the CitizenGO Freedom Bus as it circulated the UN during the negotiations.
Even the former Assistant Director General of the WHO was visibly triggered by our message. It bothered him to see so many were in favor of dismantling the WHO’s corrupt project.
It was a powerful moment, and without doubt, a shock for these leftists and globalists to see 2.5 million people mobilized together to fight this global power grab.
It didn’t end there - we then carried your voice right to the doorstep of the World Health Organization Headquarters, where we delivered a whopping 2.5 million signatures, to the horror of the secretariat of the WHO Director-General!

Outcome of the Negotiations
As the clock ticked, the globalists on the inside were doing everything they possibly could to ram some form of the Treaty through.
Why such desperation? Well, because they were terrified of losing, especially with CitizenGO and millions of vigilant citizens like you worldwide watching their every move.
So a few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the verdict came in on the two WHO documents.
They ran out of time! Despite moving deadlines repeatedly, breaking all schedule rules, and negotiating till as late as 4 am!
The WHO was forced to extend the negotiation process for the Pandemic Treaty by a year, pushing it to the next World Health Assembly in 2025!
YOU pulled it off! Congratulations!
Our constant scrutiny and raising public awareness forced them to face overwhelming opposition, which made it impossible for them to finalize an agreement.
It’s a significant victory for us, giving us more time to keep fighting and maintaining the highest pressure, above all showing we are having a direct impact.

We brought your voice directly to the WHO headquarters (from left to right: Antonio Velázquez, Director of Campaigns Global; Anna Derbyshire, Director of Campaigns in the United States; and me, Sebastian Lukomski, Global Campaigner).
Our Continued Fight
Despite the missed deadline for the Pandemic Treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) were approved by consensus at the very last second - it was evident they weren’t going to leave with empty hands.
This parallel document pushes for the unilateral declaration of pandemic emergencies by the WHO and other restrictive measures during times of crisis.
But I have to tell you this - what goes on inside there, behind closed doors, is seriously concerning.
On Saturday, as I was packing my bags to go home, I received some chilling information from the inside. It concerned the shocking tactics used by the WHO.
Their desperation to pass something was such that they broke every rule possible. Member state delegates were being pressured and threatened all week, with some of them even leaving the Assembly early, in protest.
It was then when consensus was claimed - when only a third of the member states were in the room!
And that’s not all - I was then told that a member of the Indian delegation was threatened and told specifically not to buy return tickets home until they agreed to the IHR amendments.
Other delegates confirmed they were under similar threats, with warnings of their countries being blacklisted, embargoed, and marginalized in the media.
This coercion and intimidation are shocking to me and completely unlawful. But I tell you this because we have to be prepared for their sneaky, often illegal moves.
It’s clear the WHO and its backers will go to any lengths to push their agenda - this is their strategy when under intense pressure and desperation.

While we celebrate the key gains we accomplished, we must remain vigilant. The battle against the Pandemic Treaty is far from over. The approval of the International Health Regulations amendments shows just how determined they are to push their rigged agenda.
But we won't be intimidated. We will keep applying relentless pressure on the WHO and on delegates, ensuring the voice defending our freedoms echoes loud and clear.
Our campaign will ramp up with more on-the-ground actions, deeper engagement, and strategic efforts to expose and stop any further attempts to push through this treaty.
With your support on our side, we are more motivated, more determined, and more confident than ever!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your unwavering support and relentless spirit. Your dedication and passion are the driving forces behind this success story.
Together, we've shown that we can make a visible difference. Let's keep going, keep fighting, and keep winning because together, they cannot stop us!
P.S. The fight is far from over, and your support is more crucial than ever. We've stalled their plans, but the WHO and their backers are sly and relentless. With the Pandemic Treaty negotiations extended to 2025, we have a unique opportunity to intensify our efforts and ensure that our voices are heard.
Stay with us in this battle—your dedication is the key to protecting our freedoms and stopping their hideous agenda. Together, we can and will make a difference! To keep up the momentum and strengthen our impact, Every contribution helps us continue this vital fight.