Tired of
the Same Old things in politics?
John --
Join us Tonight, June 17th at 8pm for our Monthly Statewide

This is the time when all the work comes
together. For 2 years, we've all been getting on calls, attending
events, and supporting building a new party in PA. Now is the time to
lean in and make it happen.
We have candidates in races. We have
systems to support those candidates. We have relationships to support
us. We just need the core group of volunteers to make it all
The most urgent thing we've ever asked is
for you to help us gather signatures. If everyone who received this
email signed petition themselves, we'd be way over the signature goal.
We know it's intimidating to ask people to sign a petition but if
you're willing to print out a sheet, get your family and friends to
sign it and mail it in, please reply to this email and we'll get you
what you need. This is something real you can do to make a difference
and build something new.
Thank you to everyone that made the
convention such a success. We'll be talking about the highlights and
the business that was done. Check out the youtube page to see videos
of the event.
Chair Election

We also want to celebrate the reelection
of our State Chair Christian Fyke at the convention. Christian is
responsible for so much of the growth and stability since the
beginning. Both in a front facing role and behind the scenes we're
incredibly happy that he will remain in his current position for
another term.
Pennsylvania Forward Party PA
Forward Party