Friend: Your Signature Needed ✍️

Emily Randall for Congress

19 days ago, I signed a Positive Campaign Pledge and asked the other Democrat in our race, Hilary Franz, to do the same. (See full pledge below.)

Why? Because if we use our time, money, and energy attacking each other, it’ll give an advantage to anti-abortion Republican Drew MacEwen. With the margins in Congress so close, we can’t risk losing Washington’s 6th District.

I asked Hilary Franz to join me in pledging to focus on issues, not attacks - but she has not signed the pledge or issued a response.

Now, I’m asking you, friend - a Democrat who wants to see us take back the House this year - to add your name as a co-signer.

We need to show the Franz campaign, the Republicans, and everyone who is watching that we want a spirited debate, not a wave of negative ads!


We can’t control what they do on the Republican side. But I believe our two campaigns can make this commitment.

The people of this District deserve better than an endless loop of negative TV ads.

If you agree, please add your name as a co-signer, and leave a message about why you want to see a positive campaign →

Thanks for signing on!

– Emily



As Emily’s campaign manager, I will work as hard as possible to elect her to Congress.

But at the end of the day, the most important thing is that we stop anti-abortion Republican Drew MacEwen from flipping this seat.

That’s why I sent a letter to the campaign manager for the other Democrat in the race, Hilary Franz, to sign on to a Positive Campaign Pledge (below). Together, we’ll make sure this primary doesn’t dissolve into nasty attacks, and that we focus on the issues that matter most.

Please add your name as a co-signer to our Positive Campaign Pledge and send a message that Democrats are united to hold this seat so we can flip the House from red to blue →


We, the candidates of the Democratic Party in the 2024 election for the 6th Congressional District, believe in the values of fair and positive campaigning. We believe that campaigns should be fought over values and policies, not through negative advertising.

We pledge for our campaigns to not authorize or pay for any negative advertising against each other in the 2024 primary election. No attack ads on TV or digital, no attack mailers, no negative campaigning - at all.

By signing this pledge, whoever makes it to the general election can do so with their head held high, knowing that they ran a clean and fair campaign focused on what we can do for our constituents - not on negative paid media.

Here’s why this is so important:

As the only Republican in the top-two primary for WA-06, our opponent Drew MacEwen is almost assured to advance to the general election.

No matter what, an anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ equality, pro-Trump Republican will have a shot to flip this seat in November.

And if the Democrats spend the next few months trading nasty attacks while Drew MacEwen gathers money and strength… that’s a recipe for disaster.

Send a message that grassroots Democrats want a POSITIVE campaign, so we can quickly unite for the general election and hold this seat! Sign on to our pledge now →

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from our fellow Democrats in the race.

— Anna Carlson-Ziegler, Emily’s campaign manager







Emily Randall for Congress
P.O. Box 1883
Port Orchard, WA 98366
United States