The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has also asked for feedback on specific topics that we have integrated into a sample comment for you through the linked form. We strongly encourage you to include your own comments in addition to what we have provided. This form allows you to submit comments directly to the Federal Register. You are also able to submit comments on the website.
Why is it important for me to comment? The comments submitted are considered part of the official record and the Administration takes public comments into account before issuing a final rule. After the public comment period is over, the Administration will examine the comments and issue a final rule. You can impact this process!
Why is it important to get as many people as possible to comment? While these rules aren’t weighted based on the number of positive and negative comments, the Administration can take the total number of positive or negative comments into account when issuing a final rule. There is no doubt the other side will flood this rule with positive comments, so please spread this far and wide to anyone you know who is opposed to the legalization of marijuana.
What else is SAM doing on this? SAM is preparing an organizational comment and is helping solicit feedback from researchers and experts in this field. With the assistance of our legal team, we are working with a coalition of partners to put forth the best possible argument to defeat this decision. If you are an expert in science or medicine or a leader who would be interested in submitting expert testimony, please reply to this email and we will be in touch. If you would like to contribute to our legal efforts on this issue, please click here.
For more information on this, visit our rescheduling page or view our webinar featuring Dr. Kevin Sabet, SAM EVP Luke Niforatos, Dr. Russell Kamer, and Sue Thau.
We cannot do any of this without your support. If you would like to contribute to our legal efforts on this issue, please click here.
Thank you for your steadfast support and work. This movement is here because of you. Together we can make a difference.