Monthly donations are the most impactful form of support our campaign receives because they allow us to project our resources months in advance and make our campaign plans accordingly.

John, will you commit to making a $5 monthly donation between now and Election Day to quadruple your donation’s impact and help defend the Senate and defeat Trump?


Monthly donations are the most impactful form of support our campaign receives because they allow us to project our resources months in advance and make our campaign plans accordingly.

I will be hitting the road soon and making use of the resources that so many of you have generously shared to support our campaign.

If everyone reading this could make that commitment, I can tell you with certainty that we would be able to fuel our campaign efforts through November.

So what do you say, John? Can you begin your $5 monthly contribution through November today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your monthly recurring donation will go through immediately:

We cannot look back on this critical stretch with regrets that we could have done more to save the Senate and stop Trump. I hope you will join me in taking action.

With love and gratitude,
