Friend --

Time for the Friends of Sare and Vega to swing into action!  Join us tonight at 8:30 pm for the national LaRouche Activists' call where we will not only review the amazing series of conferences of last week, but launch a one week mobilization to take foreign money out of U.S. elections.  We are launching a drive to defeat AIPAC's George Latimer in New York's 16th Congressional District.  Let me be very clear, this race is not about the "brilliant performance" of Rep. Jamal Bowman, against whom Jose has intervened more than once.  The point is, Bowman came out against the genocide in Gaza, and the billionaires intend to make an example of him by pouring money into his district and installing a loyal servant, George Latimer.  Do you think foreign money should own the Congress?  That's what the Primary election on June 25th is about. Tune in tonight at 8:30 pm EDT.

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