Good morning Law Center supporters,
This is your reminder to join us online today from 12 PM – 1 PM EST for Beyond Grants Pass: How a Supreme Court ruling could reshape homelessness across America. Our amazing panelists will discuss the possible impacts of the case, narrative work, and more.
(Panelists: Matt Ford, Court Reporter for The New Republic; Will Knight, Decriminalization Director for the National Homelessness Law Center; Tracy Rosenthal, Reporter for The New Republic; Donald Whitehead, Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless; Helen Cruz, Grants Pass Resident  Moderator: Jesse Rabinowitz, Campaign and Communications Director for the National Homelessness Law Center)
Our work to fight for the rights of our unhoused neighbors doesn’t end with the Supreme Court. Regardless of the outcome in Johnson v. Grants Pass, the National Homelessness Law Center will remain steadfast in the fight against homelessness.   
We need your help to make sure we have the resources we need to win the fight ahead. Together, we will fiercely defend the rights of unhoused communities and solve homelessness.
Sam Hozian
Communications Associate
National Homelessness Law Center

National Homelessness Law Center
1400 16th Street NW
Suite 425
Washington, DC 20036
