Make a donation of $27 — or whatever you can afford today — and we will get you a copy of my latest book, It's OK To Be Angry About Capitalism.

Friends —

I’ve recently written a best-selling book entitled, "It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism." It has just been re-published in paperback.

It’s a good book. It’s an important book. It deals with issues that too few people in Congress or the media are discussing. I hope you’ll buy it by making a contribution to my campaign committee.

If that is all you need to hear, please make a donation of $27 — or whatever you can afford today — and we will get you a copy of the book. Use this link:

It's ok to be Angry About Capitalism


As you know, we are living through the most difficult and challenging moment in the modern history of our country and the world.

We are rapidly moving toward oligarchy as we experience an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality and growing corporate concentration of ownership over our economy.

Since the disastrous Supreme Court decision on Citizens United our political system has become increasingly corrupt — bought and paid for by a handful of billionaires.

Climate change, and the greed of the fossil fuel industry, threatens the very existence of the planet.

Trump and his right wing allies are busily attempting to undermine American democracy.

Lack of international cooperation threatens to allow a new pandemic to be even worse than Covid — which took some 6 million lives globally.

Unless we respond effectively, artificial intelligence will likely displace millions of workers from their jobs and, left uncontrolled, could bring unimaginable risk to humanity.

In the United States our healthcare, child care, education and housing systems are all broken – and in need of major reform.

The political and economic establishment of this country tells us that there is no alternative to the rapacious, cutthroat capitalism that results in the wealthiest Americans doing better than they have in a century while the working class of this country is losing ground every day.

They are dead wrong. And that’s what “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism” is all about.

I hope you've read it. And if you haven't, I hope you will. I'd love to send you a copy.

I hope you've read it. And if you haven't, I hope you will. I'd love to send you a copy.

Please use this link to make a contribution to my campaign committee — $27 or whatever you can afford today — and we'll get you a copy of my new book It's Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.


With this book I wanted to break through a lot of the irrelevant discussion that is taking place regarding politics and the economy in America today, and force real discussion about real issues.

The truth that real politics is about more than polls, dumb things politicians say, and it's even about more than just elections. It's about more than Trump's latest indictment and Biden’s age. It’s about more than Democrats attacking Republicans and Republicans attacking Democrats.

With this book, I am trying to break through all of that and talk about the reality facing us and how, in the richest country on earth, we can create a government and economy that works for all and not just the 1%.

I can go on and on and on, but that’s what the book is about. I hope you'll read it.

Please use this link to make a contribution to my campaign committee — $27 or whatever you can afford today — and we'll get you a copy of my new book It's Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.

Every dollar we raise will go toward covering the cost of buying the books, shipping them to you, and anything left over will be used to help elect progressives across the country in the next election.

In solidarity,
