My son Colin was there



Dear John,

Thirteen years ago today, my son Colin was sitting in French class at Virginia Tech when a gunman armed with two semi-automatic pistols and high-capacity magazines opened fire. Colin was shot four times. But he was “lucky.” He was one of 17 people who were shot and injured. A total of 32 people were killed that day. 

For years now, I’ve worked with Brady to prevent tragedies like what happened at Virginia Tech. One of my biggest goals is to keep high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands.

Many Americans don’t know what high-capacity magazines are. But my family is not so lucky. These devices are designed for mass murder, plain and simple. They allow a shooter to fire off dozens of bullets without needing to pause to reload. For Colin, the bullets shattered after they struck his hips and knee. Thirteen years later, those bullet fragments are still lodged in his body. Time and time again — from Virginia Tech to Las Vegas to Parkland to Sandy Hook to Virginia Beach — high-capacity magazines have been used in America’s deadliest shootings. 

The solution is simple: ban the manufacture and sale of these tactical accessories to keep them out of civilian hands. John, civilians are not in combat or law enforcement situations. We should not have access to the extreme lethality provided by high-capacity magazines.

Congress can pass legislation right now to address the unique lethality of high-capacity magazines. The Keep Americans Safe Act is a common-sense bill to prohibit the import, sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of high-magazines for civilian use. This lifesaving bill was originally introduced after the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting. If we want to save lives, we need to pass this law.

Will you stand with me and call on Congress to pass the Keep Americans Safe Act to prevent gun massacres and save lives


Please, join me in urging Congress to pass this common-sense legislation. By ensuring these weapons of war stay out of civilian hands, we can prevent tragedies and save lives.

Thank you,

Andy Goddard
Brady Chapter Leader



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